Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Princeton's new course on Viet Nam

With my grateful thanks to Professor Desaix Anderson for having Late Blossom on the reading list for his new graduate course "America and Vietnam at War: Origins, Implications, and Consequences" in the Princeton Global Seminar Program. I hope the students will enjoy reading the book.

Desaix: I have read Late Blossom with great interest and fascination. Congratulation on a fine work. I have composed some words for your use, if you wish.

Laura: With your knowledge, experience, and cultural sensitivity, your words are highly significant.

Desaix: Thanks. I hope it helps. It is an excellent book.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Many thanks to Sue and Judy of Reelbooks and to everyone who came to my book reading at L'Aigle Noir Hotel. I was so thrilled that all of you were interested in reading the book. Here are some photos of the event:

Aigle Noir Hotel

Book Reading and Tea Room at Aigle Noir Hotel
Book Reading and Tea Room at Aigle Noir Hotel

Reelbooks display

Display at Reelbooks

Recent photo in my flower garden
Recent photo in my flower garden